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Leaders-for-a-Day: Jean-Philippe Parain, President & CEO, BMW Group, Belux

It has been a great pleasure to spend a day with Danny. It’s quite unusual to have student alongside for a whole day but I must admit that in a way, it makes one think about what one is really doing and if it’s understandable for external people! I did also appreciate the fact that he’s been very discreet and didn’t bother us during the whole day.

I’m confident that this experience can lead to a better understanding of the reality and daily life in a private company. I’m aware that it is difficult for student to be dropped for one day in the business life and all I can recommend to them is to try and learn as much as possible about the company they’re going to spend a day with. What the company is doing, who is who,.. Of course, it would be great if more companies would join this programme. I even think that it would be valuable for politicians as well, not only for students.

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