JA Worldwide nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Read more.


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    AI At Fermi in Francavilla Fontana

    Giorgia Martina, Teacher at Fermi

    Why have we decided to be part of this international adventure and to gain experience with the AI4YOUTH project for teachers and students? Going back to the past, we can fix the start of this adventure to 2021 when Intel launched the Intel® AI for Youth program in Italy.

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    Empowering the Future: Merging AI into Entrepreneurship Education

    Emma Kiraly, Senior Programme Manager

    In the digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing at an astonishing pace. The developments we have witnessed in AI, including the rapid evolution of ChatGPT and the cutting-edge technologies developed by OpenAI, raise intriguing questions about the future of education.

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    Getting Europe’s youth into STEM

    Minna Melleri, Chief of Advocacy and Growth

    Policy-makers have for decades set out goals to get more young people, and especially girls, to choose STEM education and STEM-related careers. A series of policy recommendations and objectives have been drafted and implemented to bridge the gap between the labour market’s needs and the numbers of STEM graduates entering the job market.

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    Boosting digital health and innovation through entrepreneurial hubs

    Salvatore Nigro, CEO JA Europe & Milena Stoycheva, CEO JA Bulgaria

    The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated that it is not possible to have a successful #ECONOMY without good #HEALTHCARE. This is a wake-up call we all need to heed – it cannot be business as usual when the pandemic is over. In order to protect our people and economies against future public health threats it is crucial to improve the long-term #SUSTAINABILITY of our health systems. According to Mary Harney, we must promote #INNOVATION, and ensure that data and evidence are the basis of decision-making, to future proof our health systems and ensure their long-term sustainability.1

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    Proud to promote vocational education as first choice

    Caroline Jenner, CEO JA Europe

    There are few people who have done as much to raise the profile of Vocational Education and Training (VET) as Marianne Thyssen, outgoing EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility. It was she who in 2014 launched the idea of a European Vocational Skills Week to heighten awareness of the value of VET and stimulate collaboration between stakeholders. Her mantra in speech after speech was that VET should not only be an equal choice, but a first choice. She is right.

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