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JA Europe is leading the EMPASS project, which aims to develop an employability micro-credential programme for the scarce soft skills in the labour market in order to address youth unemployment and to speed up the achievement of the European Education Area (EEA). In close collaboration with industry/employability partners and TVET institutions, EMPASS will drive a soft skill needs analysis in Greece, Romania and Spain and develop and test an innovative training programme able to certify the most needed soft skills for entry level workers. The employability micro-credential EmPass will be a support for employers to assess the skill level of potential employees, while it will also aid TVET institutions to ensure work readiness of their students. In the framework of the project, the micro-credential programme will be piloted with 1.500 students in Spain, Romania, and Greece, before being finalised for scale-up and Europe-wide distribution. Financed Under: Erasmus+ Programme


EmPass pledge:

The EmPass pledge aims to create a community of Vocational Schools and employers for long -term collaboration in designing, evaluating and recognizing the employability micro-credential making it more future oriented and industry ready.
– To collectively contribute to the success of the EMPASS project, which aims to improve the employability skills and capabilities of the future workforce in Europe. – To enhance the impact and each of the project, by pooling our expertise, resources and networks, ultimately benefiting both the education sector and labour market as a whole.
  • Active Participation and Expertise Sharing: Our organisation will actively engage in mutual exchanges and collaboration with the education and industry sectors to ensure relevance of the curricula.
  • Collaboration on EmPass Micro-Credential Development: We will collaborate on the design and development of the EmPass microcredential by providing feedback and insights gathered through survey outreach and targeted workshops.
  • Endorse and Support for EmPass Recognition: Our organization will actively endorse and support the recognition of the EmPass microcredential and will commit to its implementation.
By joining this initiative, your organisation will gain significant visibility and recognition as a leader in making a lasting impact on the employability and career readiness of young people. This may include (subject to concrete opportunities, without commitment from JA Europe) opportunities for featuring your name/logo in press releases and promotional materials, speaking engagements at project events, highlighting the school in case studies and success stories, and receiving recognition in annual reports and key stakeholder meetings.

Project Partners

JA Europe

JA Spain

JA Romania

JA Greece

Zurich Insurance Group

Departament D’educació- Generalitat De Catalunya (IEDT)

Institouto Mikron Epichiriseon Genikis Synomospondias Epaggelmation Biotechnon Emporon Ellados Imegsebee (IME GSEVEE)

Institouto Ergasias GSEE (IN.E.)

Ascendia S.A.

Colegiul Economic Virgil Madgearu (CEVM)

I-DS Koucing & Konsalting Dooel (IDS)


Accenture SA

Worldskills Romania

JA Europe contact for EMPASS

Maxi Torau (maxi@jaeurope.org)

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JA Europe is the largest and leading organisation in Europe dedicated to inspire and prepare young people to succeed.

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